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Methods to Raise PH in Well Water

Updated on March 12, 2022

2 Ways to Raise pH in Well Water

1. Neutralizing Filters

A neutralizing filter is the best way to increase well water’s pH. The unit works like a whole house filter and increases pH for the water entering your home. It ensures that every tap delivers non-acidic water.  The system uses calcite, ground limestone, or magnesia media to increase the pH of water.

Neutralizing filters need frequent maintenance in terms of media replacement and backwash. One drawback of using a neutralizing filter is that it makes the water hard. Hence, it is ideal to install the acid neutralizer before a water softener. Neutralizing filters have a limited working capacity. Most models cannot handle more than 3 GPM incoming water.

Recommended Acid Neutralizer: SpringWell’s Calcite pH Neutralizer

SpringWell’s Calcite pH Neutralizer

The unit can handle well water with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. It may not be the most powerful acid neutralizer on the market, but research suggests that most wells with acidic water have a pH of around 6.0.

It is a costly neutralizer, but it is worth it because it delivers up to 12 gallons per minute flow rate. The system is easy to install, comes with a lifetime warranty, and can be customized to add a UV water purification system and a whole house water filter.

Neutralizing Solutions (Soda Ash Feeders)

Water treatment devices like a chlorinator or soda ash feeders can also increase well water pH. Soda ash is used with or without chlorine to increase the pH and disinfect well water. These machines are a cheap alternative to costly neutralizer but require frequent maintenance.

The biggest drawback of using these machines is that they fail to maintain a constant supply of neutralizing solution, often resulting in high acidic water.

How to know the pH of Well Water?

The best way to find out your well water’s pH is to test it. You can test it at home using a reliable testing kit or send a sample to a nearby testing facility.

Symptoms of Low pH

  • Bluish-green stains on copper plumbing
  • Red stains on galvanized iron plumbing
  • Water leakages and corrosion problems
  • Sour tasting and slippery water

Health Effects of Drinking Acidic Water

  • Weak teeth
  • Skin, eye, nose and respiratory irritation
  • Weak immunity in kids

Read More: Does Well Water Cause Teeth Staining?

Final Words

Treating acidic water is a pragmatic approach compared to digging a new well or converting to city water. It may seem like an uphill task but all you need to do is install a couple of treatment systems.


  • Earl Rojo

    Earl Rojo has been a senior mechanic in well drilling and maintenance firms for 3 years. He is from Longview, Texas, and he loves sharing his experience with others. He frequently writes on various well water issues with a special focus on well maintenance and drinking water quality.

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